Serving Syracuse, Utica, Auburn, Oswego and surrounding communities


CNYPA membership offers many benefits, including:

  1. An opportunity to list your practice in our online, searchable directory of psychologists, which is open to the public and shared with other health professionals. Once you join you will be sent instructions for how to enter your information in the online directory.
  2. Enhanced communication among colleagues
    1. Free access to the CNYPA listserv, which provides a place to discuss referral resources, general discussions about psychology (e.g., topics in the news, insurance questions), and dissemination of professional advocacy issues (e.g., practice advisories).
    2. Opportunity to attend monthly CNYPA Board of Directors meetings (even if you are not a board member) and play a more active role in our friendly and collegial association.
    3. Invitations to twice-yearly happy hours designed to informally gather, talk, and relax with colleagues.
    4. Invitation to twice yearly dinner meetings for a more formal presentation and discussion about a particular member's areas of expertise. Dinner is partially subsidized by CNYPA dues.
    5. Invitation to the annual winter holiday meeting to celebrate with colleagues, participate in the summary business meeting of the year, and announce award recipients (i.e., Psychologist of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award).
  3. Professional affairs advocacy:
    1. Representation to the state psychological association council and legislative committee to keep you informed about psychology topics statewide.
    2. Access provided to scheduled meetings with legislators.
    3. Updated information provided on federal/state legislative issues.
    4. Run for a CNYPA Board of Directors position to help advocate for your profession.

A one-year membership in CNYPA is priced as follows:

  • Member - $50.00 - Ph.D./PsyD in psychology or Member of the American Psychological Association or the NYSPA or hold a NYS licensure as a psychologist.
  • Associate Member - $20.00 - Two years full-time graduate study in psychology or Masters in psychology or Associate Member of APA or NYSPA.
  • Student Affiliate - $10.00 - Currently in full-time graduate study for an advanced degree in psychology.
  • Life Member - $0.00 - Members in good standing who have reached the age of 65.

You can fill out the registration form below and pay online through PayPal.

If you prefer to download and mail in your payment and application, please download our PDF application.

PLEASE NOTE: After you complete the online form, if payment is required, you will be forwarded to PayPal to enter your credit card information. If you do not submit your payment information at PayPal, we cannot complete your registration.  Also note that a PayPal account is NOT required to submit your payment information at PayPal.

After payment is complete you will be emailed your username and password so you can complete the information in your Find a Psychologist profile.

Fill out my online form.