Work Location
Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
How did you become interested in the field of Psychology?
I always had been interested in working with children, and being involved with the medical field. I explored various careers where I could have an impact on children and families. During college I was exposed to the concept of mental health and psychology in a medical setting and this seemed to fit.
Briefly describe your area of specialty:
As a pediatric psychologist I am integrated into the medical setting, and work with children who have either a chronic or acute medical diagnosis, combined with some mental health needs. I also work with children and families to adjust to a new medical diagnosis or traumatic medical or health event.
Based on your specialty, what is one piece of advice for our readers?
This is a fascinating and very rewarding area of our field. I love working with this population. There are so many ways to integrate personal interests within the field of psychology, and I encourage young trainees and professionals to seek out ways to specialize and find a workplace that meets both professional and personal interests.
Can you provide a recommendation for how our readers can begin to implement your piece of advice?
Use community resources and professionals within the field to seek out ways to gain the necessary clinical experience to specialize, even if you have to create a site or training opportunity.
Tell us something fun about you: If you weren’t a psychologist, what would you be?
Special events planner.
If any of our readers would like more information, Dr. Reagan can be contacted by e-mail at reagana@upstate.edu or by phone at 315-464-1969.